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Starting at a new school can feel daunting for your child, and for you too!

Before School Starts

Here are some top tips to make the transition smoother for both of you.

10 Top Tips for Parents - Young Minds


Familiarise Your Child with the School Route:

Research shows that familiarity with a new environment can significantly reduce anxiety. Before the first day, make a few trips around the route—by car, bus, or foot. When school starts, this will help with time management and make the journey more familiar and less stressful.


Prepare for Information Overload:

Your child will have a lot to take in during the first few weeks. Be mindful that they might be tired or irritable. Make time to listen to their concerns and experiences.

Starting Secondary School - BBC Bitesize


Establish a Routine:

Establishing a routine teaches valuable time management skills, help your child adjust to a new schedule by teaching them to manage their time and homework. Consistent routines help young people feel safe and understand what is expected of them, which reduces anxiety and stress for both of you.


Get Organised Early:

Make sure your child has their uniform and other required materials well in advance of the first day of school. When young people start a new school, being prepared is associated with higher levels of confidence and lower levels of stress. This helps ensure that they feel prepared and avoids last-minute worry.


Be Patient and Supportive:

Understand that your child might take time to settle in. Make yourself available to talk and provide reassurance. During the first few weeks, your child may be more tired and irritable. Make sure to set aside time to listen to their concerns and offer your support. Receiving high levels of emotional support can help exhibit better adjustment and lower levels of anxiety during significant changes, such as starting a new school.


Stay Connected with the School:

If your child seems to be struggling more than expected, don’t hesitate to reach out to their form tutor or head of year. Teachers are experienced in helping children adjust and can offer additional support and strategies.

Parents and carers who work together with teachers, can identify problems early and implement effective strategies to support the child. Extracurricular activities can play a significant role in helping children feel more comfortable and integrated into their new environment.


Starting High School

High school is a significant milestone and can cause anxiety or fear. Here are some useful tips to support your child:

Transitioning to Secondary School - BBC Bitesize


YouTube video by 'Anna Freud'

Attend All Transition Days:

Transition days are a great way for students to get comfortable in their new school, which can help lower anxiety levels. During transition days, young people might feel more connected and supported by getting to know teachers and staff. Establishing relationships with the teachers and staff early will help students feel more comfortable asking for assistance and taking part in the classroom. Transition days offer a chance for young people to begin forming friendships; establishing relationships with peers prior to the start of school can enhance students' sense of belonging and social adjustment.


Socialise with Future Classmates:

If possible, arrange for your child to meet up with other students who will be attending the same high school. Building friendships over the summer can ease the transition. Meeting future classmates before school starts can help reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness. Having a strong social support network can buffer against the stress associated with starting a new school and improve overall adjustment.


Know the Support Teams and utilise resources:

Get to know the pastoral support teams at the school. Knowing who to contact for help can provide peace of mind for both you and your child.

Many high schools offer drop-in sessions where students can access support from school nurses or counsellors. Encourage your child to take advantage of these resources if they need them.

ChatHealth, you can talk to us about ANYTHING

Young people aged 11-19 years, If you have a question about your health and wellbeing, text your message to: 07312 263260

Parents and Carers, Ask us anything, text your message to: 07312 263156


Starting Well Service Booklet - pdf

School Readiness - pdf


Useful resources and links:

Cheshire West and Chester Libraries

LiveWell Cheshire West

Brio Leisure

Find an NHS Dentist